Nyt kun vuoden vika kuukausi on alkanut, voisin esitellä hieman kalenteria, joka on koristanut seinääni vuoden 2012 ajan. Kyseessä on Orkus-lehden mukana tullut Fetish-Gothic Kalender, joka on tarjonnut paljon silmäniloa. Tässä kalenterin lempikuviani:
Maaliskuu/March (malli/model: Maya) |
Heinäkuu/July (mallit/models: Mietzetatze & Plastique in Veins) |
Syyskuu/September (malli/model: Yale) |
Lokakuu/October (malli/model: Maya) |
Joulukuu/December (malli/model: Katha Rina) |
Ensi vuodelle miulla on myös Orkuksen goottityttökalenteri (vaikkakin se on nimeltään vain "Orkus Kalender").
Since it's the last month of the year, I could show a bit the calender that has been adorning one of my wall during the year 2012. The calender in question is the Fetish-Gothic Kalender of Orkus magazine, and it has offered so much eye candy. There are some of my favourite pictures of the calender. There is also a couple of pictures for example of the model Ophelia's Overdose, but those four photos up there I found most attracting, and the model Maya was especially my favourite. And I like all other pictures, but the picture of December I just can't understand. What the hell seriously. Where is the "fetish" and "gothic" part? Well the woman has lace gloves, but seriously c'mon. I can think of much more fetish and gothic photo suggestions for December. I am very disappointed at the December picture.
I have an Orkus gothic girl calender for the next year also (though it's called only "Orkus Kalender).
Grausame Töchter - Untergang
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