Toi onkin oikeestaan miun eka Potter-teemanen vaatekappale (Luihuis-kaulahuivin ja -kravatin lisäks). Joskus ala-asteella miulla oli joku nolo Potter-collegepaita, mut sitä ei lasketa. :D Ja tää kyseinen paita on kivan hienovarainen eikä huuda Potterin nimee kovaan ääneen.
Lisäks aattelin esitellä tuoksutuliaisen, jonka sain poikaystävän vanhemmilta. Ne kävi reissussa ja olivat sit ostaneet lentokoneesta miulle Jean Paul Gaultierin Ma Dame -tuoksun. Se on aika nuorekas ja voimakas tuoksu, jonka aattelin pitää lähinnä biletuoksuna. Ja siinä on nätti pullo.
Miun perustuoksuhan on nyt reilun vuoden ajan ollu Yves Rocherin Malesian kookospähkinä -tuoksu, josta oon kyllä tykänny suunnattomasti ensisuihkaisusta asti. Mut nyt pitänee varmaan siirtyy niitten koulutöiden pariin. Mukavaa viikonloppuu kaikille! :)
Hi there! I'm kinda having problems with what school work to do today, since there are so many options – I could study for either of upcoming exams, write one of three broadish essay/analysis assignments or transcribe some material for my master's thesis. So the solution is to start making a blog post and make the decision later. :D
Yesterday I went to a café with one of my oldest friends. I wanted to wear the new Potter shirt I found on a web flea market a little while ago. The other parts of the outfit were black and quite simple, so that the shirt would be in the spotlight.
That is actually my first Potter-themed garment (in addition to a Slytherin scarf and tie). As a kid I had some awkward Potter college shirt, but that doesn't count. :D And this shirt in question is kinda subtle and it doesn't scream "this is a Harry Potter shirt".
I thought also to show a fragrance gift I got from my boyfriend's parents. They were on a holiday trip and they had bought me the Ma Dame eau de toilette by Jean Paul Gaultier in the airplane. It's quite a youthful and strong fragrance, and I think it'll make a good party perfume. And it has a pretty bottle.
My basic fragrance has been the Malesian coconut by Yves Rocher for a bit over a year now, and I've been loving it from the first spray. But I guess now I have to get to the studying. Have a nice weekend, everyone! :)
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