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Darth Vader on my thumb! |
Mut anyway, sushi onnistui sentään ihan hyvin. Wasabin kanssa on aina vähän ongelmia – nytkin laitoin sitä toiseen sushirullaan liian paljon ja toiseen liian vähän. Mut muuten oli ihan hyvää.
Sisälle laitoin kurkkua ja porkkanaa, joka oli aika mieto yhdistelmä. Eli puolet sushipaloista ei sit oikeestaan maistunut hirveästi miltään ja puolet taas maistui pelkältä wasabilta, joka tuntui höyryävän sieraimista ulos. :'D
Japaniteemaan sopien voisin esitellä mangaa, jota ostin perjantaina järjestetyltä mangakirppikseltä. Manga ei oikein oo miun juttu, ja siellä kirpparilla olinkin lähinnä pikkusiskoni puolesta etsimässä häntä kiinnostavaa tavaraa, mutta tulin sitten ostaneeksi itsellenikin pari kauhumangaa. (Löysin kyllä siskollenikin jotain.)
Itse asiassa ennen noita omistin vain yhden mangateoksen, Vampire Hunter D:n ykkösosan, johon en vaan oo tullut ostaneeksi jatkoa. Muutenkaan en oo kyllä koskaan ollu oikein innostunu sarjakuvista. Nemi on oikeestaan ainoo, jota jaksan säännöllisesti lukea. Luen mieluummin kirjoja kuin sarjiksia. Mut aion antaa nyt noille ostoksilleni mahdollisuuden. :D
Today I decided to try making vegetable sushi, as I haven't made or tasted that before. Oh and I also had a chance to try my new Star Wars plasters after stabbing a knife in my thumb while chopping stuff for the sushi...
It's almost funny how accident-prone I am. I get cuts or bruises (or sometimes even little burns) almost everyday. I haven't had any bigger accidents (yet), but I think it's probable that the cause of my death will be for example slipping after shower and hitting my head against the flagstone floor. Maybe it would be safier not to live alone, but I enjoy my peace and privacy. Well, it's my own fault if I'll die alone because there's no one to help me here.
But anyway, the sushi came out right. I always have problems with wasabi – this time I put it too much in the one sushi roll and too little in the other. Inside the roll I put cucumber and carrot, which was pretty mild combination. So basically half of the sushi didn't taste much of anything and the other half tasted of wasabi only, and it felt like the wasabi was steaming out of my nostrils. :'D
Fitting for the Japan theme, I could show some manga I bought in a manga flea market last Friday. Manga isn't really my thing, and I was on the flea market mainly because of my little sister. I was looking for stuff that she'd like, but I ended up buying some horror manga for myself. (I found something for her too.)
In fact I had only one manga before those three, the first part of Vampire Hunter D. I haven't ever really be interested in comics. Nemi is the only one I read regularly. I prefer reading books to reading comics. But I'm going to give a chance to my purchases. :D
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