Koska oon ahkera opiskelija, oon tehny opiskelujuttuja:
lähdekirjallisuutta / source literature |
lisää lähdematskuu / more source material |
asemakaavojen tutkimista / studying zoning maps |
pikkuruinen tutkimus euroviisukäännöksistä / a tiny research of Eurovision translations |
neulomista / knitting |
bändipaidan pienennystä / making a band shirt smaller |
vihreetä teetä ja siluettiristikoita / green tea and japanese crosswords |
Sit vois pelata Pongia!
Hi, now you can see through photos what super exciting stuff I've been doing the last couple of days.
Because I'm a studious student, I've been doing some school stuff, but because nobody can just study, you have to do also something else that's nice and relaxing.
I'm feeling a bit ill, but there's no time to laze around while having a flu either. I'm doing a Bachelor thesis (? I'm not sure about the translation) about the street names of a Finnish town called Lieksa, and I got some zoning map material just today, so, even though I cut today's class, I have been working hard home. And Stam1na is having a gig this Saturday, and I haven't made the shirt smaller yet, but luckily it's pretty fast to sew together.
And then we could play Pong! (referring to the video)
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