(Hei tyypit, viimenen mahdollisuus osallistua tähän arvontaan!
Yo dudes, it's your last chance to participate in this giveaway!)
Pääsiäinen oli ja meni, joten uskallan jo julkaista kuvan tekemistäni pääsiäiskorteistakin. Virkkasin ite ton pupupitsin maaliskuun Suuri Käsityö -lehden ohjeella. Oon tehny pääsiäiskortteja viimeks varmaan ala-asteella. Noi pääsiäisen iloiset värit ei oikein lämmitä miun mustaa sydäntä.
Easter is gone, so I dare already to show a picture of Easter cards I made. I crocheted the bunny lace myself from a model of a handicraft magazine. I guess I haven't made Easter cards since primary school. The happy colours of Easter don't really make my black heart feel good.
Muutama lintu liittyi lelukokoelmaan. / A few birds joined the toy collection. |
I hate spring. I guess usually people like automatically the season they've born in, but even though I'm physically a child of spring (and April), mentally I'm clearly something else. Sun makes me feel irritated, and it irritates most in spring, when the sunlight increases so quickly. I think I suffer from some kind of spring depression every year. Okay, on the other hand it's cool that snow melts away, but I just cant stand this season. Summer is pretty horrible also, but spring is somehow even more horrible, the sunlight is sharper and more infuriating in spring. Argh. Mentally I'm really a child of autumn. The best thing about summer is that autumn follows it.
Ihan kevään kunniaksi värjäsin hiukset taas pienen tauon jälkeen mustiksi. Viimeks miun hiukset tais olla mustat viime kesänä. Oon värjänny hiuksiani noin kymmenen vuoden ajan, ja ne on kyllä ehtiny olla vaikka minkä väriset, mut musta on tuttu ja turvallinen, johon tuntuu kotoisalta palata aina aika ajoin. (Mut turkoosi on ehkä ollu miun lemppari kaikista väreistä, joita oon kokeillu.)
Just because of spring I dyed my hair black after a short while. I think my hair were black last summer. I've been dyeing my hair for about then years, and they've been pretty much anything in colour, but black is familiar and secure, and it always feels homey to return to it. (But turquoise is probably my favourite of all the colours I've tried.)
sydämelliset kynnet / hearted nails |
You have few hours to participate in that giveaway I'm having for you. Tonight, maybe around ten o'clock (Finnish time of course), I'll perform the draw, and I'll announce the winner in a separate post and send email to them. Participate!
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