Day 39 – A song that makes you discover yourself
Oon miettiny tätä nyt eilisen ja tän päivän, enkä oo kyllä tullu mihinkään kunnon tulokseen. Vaikka miulle musiikki onkin yks elämän tärkeimpiä asioita, niin en kyllä nyt osaa vastata tähän mitään. Sen sijaan linkitän tähän kivan biisin, johon tutustuin ja ihastuin pari päivää sit.
I've been thinking about this one whole yesterday and today, and I haven't really came to any conclusion. Even though music is one of the most important things in life, I can't answer this anything. Instead I link here a nice song that I became familiar with and took a fancy to a couple of days ago.
Well I know there are also more "self discovery days", but I think this is enough. :D
Bear ears and heart parts
Moikka! Kävin tänään Seppälässä, ja alennusmyynneistä löytyikin mukaan jotain pientä ja kivaa. :)
Hi there! Today I went to to Seppälä, and I found something little and nice from the sales. :)
Hi there! Today I went to to Seppälä, and I found something little and nice from the sales. :)
sydänlukollinen rannekoru (ja talven kuivattama käsi) /
a bracelet with a heart lock (and a hand dried by winter)
hauskat lainausmerkkikorvikset / funny quotation mark earrings
aika simppeli mutta kiva kaulakoru; samassa setissä oli myös korvikset /
pretty simple but nice necklace; there were also earrings in the same set
nallehattu!!! / a bear hat!!!
siinä on myös tupsut / it has also pom-poms
Semmosta tänään. Oon myös addiktoitunut kaikenlaisiin kuivattuihin hedelmiin ja marjoihin tässä viime aikoina. Ananasta, mansikoita, kirsikoita, luumuja, aprikooseja... Mut kuivattu inkivääri maistuu kyllä ihan pesuaineelta. Sitä tuli maisteltuu tänään. En suosittele.
That's today. I've also got addicted to all kinds of dried fruits and berries recently. Pineapples, strawberries, cherries, plums, apricots... But dried ginger tastes just like detergent. I tried that today. I don't recommend.
30 Day Song Challenge, Bonus Days – Day 38
Day 38 – A song that you always want to put on a playlist
The Birthday Massacre on yks niistä bändeistä, joita voi kuunnella ihan millon vaan, mielentilasta riippumatta. Ja tää on lempparibiisini TBM:ltä.
The Birthday Massacre on yks niistä bändeistä, joita voi kuunnella ihan millon vaan, mielentilasta riippumatta. Ja tää on lempparibiisini TBM:ltä.
♥ ♥ ♥
The Birthday Massacre is one of those bands that can be listened to any time, regardless of the state of mind. And this is my favourite song by TBM.
30 Day Song Challenge, Bonus Days – Days 35, 36 & 37
Heips, olin viikonlopun poissa koneen äärestä, joten aattelin laittaa nyt tähän samaan postaukseen välistä jääneet päivät ja tän päivän. :)
Hi, I spent the weekend without being by the computer, so I thought I could make one post about the missing days. :)
Hi, I spent the weekend without being by the computer, so I thought I could make one post about the missing days. :)
♪ ♪ ♪
Day 35 – A song that makes you feel successful
Day 36 – A song that you feel is yours because not many people know it
Day 37 – A song with no lyrics
30 Day Song Challenge, Bonus Days – Day 34
Day 34 – A song from your favourite movie
from Interview with the Vampire
from The Crow
Tällä kertaa laitoin sääntöjen vastaisesti kaks biisii, koska en osannut äkikseltään päättää lempielokuvaani. Interview with the Vampire ja The Crow molemmat keikkuu siellä aika korkeella, mutta ei niistäkään kumpikaan oo mitenkään ehdottoman upea. Tai siis, oon hyvin nirso elokuvien ja kirjojen suhteen, enkä yleensä niiden joukosta löydäkään mitään ehdottomia suosikkeja.
◙ ◙ ◙
This time I had to break the rules and put two songs, because I couldn't decide what's my favourite movie. Both Interview with the Vampire and The Crow hang there pretty high, but even neither of them is that extremely special. I mean, I'm very fastidious about movies and books, and usually I don't find any absolute favourites among them.
30 Day Song Challenge, Bonus Days – Day 33
Day 33 – A song that you can sing
Sing to me, all you voices of doom
En oo järin hyvä laulaja, ja kaiken lisäksi lauluääneni on melko matala, joten ei oo hirveesti biisejä, joita pystyisin tuskattomasti laulamaan. Tää on yks niistä harvoista. Tätä jopa tykkään laulaa. Hieno biisi. (Mono inc. taas on yks niistä bändeistä, jotka kuulostaa hyvältä mut näyttää typerältä, mut tokihan se musiikki on tärkeintä.)
I'm not that good singer, and, to crown it all, my singing voice is pretty low,so there aren't many songs I can sing painlessly. This is one of the few. I even enjoy singing this. Great song. (And Mono inc. is one of those bands that sound good but look stupid, but of course the music is the most important thing.)
Farewell to the old bag ~
Päätin hyvästellä laukun, joka on uskollisesti palvellut minua koululaukkuna kaks ja puol vuotta. Tykkään siitä ihan superpaljon, mut se alkaa olla jo aika nuhjuisessa kunnossa.
Siirrän noi pinssit varmaan uuteen laukkuuni, jotta se tuntuisi tutummalta. Hain juuri postista paketin, joka sisälsi myös edellisen laukkuni seuraajan. Oon yrittänyt tässä totuttautuu siihen, kun se on niin uusi ja jäykkä ja siisti. Entinen laukku oli pehmennyt ja muokkautunut juuri sopivaksi.
Hyvin samankaltaisella värimaailmalla jatketaan, mutta en vielä osaa sanoo, pidänkö hirveesti tuosta uudesta laukusta. Onhan se ihan kiva, mut en tiiä. Edelliseen kerkis muodostuu jo tunneside. :/ Mut enköhän tuohon uuteenkin totu!
olkahihnat on katkennu, ja oon solminu ne / the shoulder straps have snapped, and I've tied them together |
ei noi huulet oikeesti oo noin oranssit / the lips aren't really that orange |
Hyvin samankaltaisella värimaailmalla jatketaan, mutta en vielä osaa sanoo, pidänkö hirveesti tuosta uudesta laukusta. Onhan se ihan kiva, mut en tiiä. Edelliseen kerkis muodostuu jo tunneside. :/ Mut enköhän tuohon uuteenkin totu!
I decided to say goodbye to the bag that has faithfully served me as a schoolbag for two and a half years. I like it very much, but it starts to be pretty shabby.
I'll probably move those lapel pins from the old bag to the new one to make it feel more familiar. I just picked up a packet from the post office, and the packet included also the successor of my former bag. I've been trying to accustom myself to it, because it's so new and stiff and clean.
The colours are very similar, but I can't yet tell if I really like that new bag. Sure, it is nice, but I don't know. I had formed an emotional bond with the former one. :/ But I guess I'll grow accustomed to the new one also!
30 Day Song Challenge, Bonus Days – Day 32
Day 32 – A song that your mother/father likes
Jep jep. Vois ehkä sanoo, että omena on pudonnut aika kauas puusta ainakin musiikkimaun suhteen. Iskä tykkää Vesa-Matti Loirista ja äiti Lauri Tähkästä, enkä ite pysty sietämään kumpaakaan.
Yup. One could say that the apple has fallen pretty far from the tree, at least when it comes to music. My dad likes Vesa-Matti Loiri and my mom likes Lauri Tähkä, and I can't stand either of them.
Jep jep. Vois ehkä sanoo, että omena on pudonnut aika kauas puusta ainakin musiikkimaun suhteen. Iskä tykkää Vesa-Matti Loirista ja äiti Lauri Tähkästä, enkä ite pysty sietämään kumpaakaan.
Yup. One could say that the apple has fallen pretty far from the tree, at least when it comes to music. My dad likes Vesa-Matti Loiri and my mom likes Lauri Tähkä, and I can't stand either of them.
30 Day Song Challenge, Bonus Days – Day 31
Day 31 – A song that you listen to when you travel
I don't have any "travelling songs", because I don't have any portable music player. So I listen to what they play on, for example, tha radio, if the radio is on. Once me and my boyfriend went to see his parents by his car, and I remember we listened to Apulanta. I guess it was the time I was going to meet his parents for the first time.
Miulla ei oo oikein semmosii "matkustusbiisejä", koska en omista mitään kannettavaa musiikkisoitinta, jolla voisin matkustaessani kuunnella musiikkii. Eli kuuntelen sit sitä, mitä radiosta tulee, jos se on päällä. Kerran mie ja miun poikaystävä mentiin sen autolla sen vanhempien luokse, ja muistan meiän kuunnelleen Apulantaa. Se saatto olla just se kerta, kun olin menossa tapaamaan niitä sen vanhempia ekaa kertaa.
Yay, it's my 100th post! First I thought I could do something special because of that, like having a giveaway or something, but I'm feeling lazy. Today is also the birthday of a dear friend of mine. I visited him and gave him a little present with this kind of card. He likes giraffes, and actually he likes Apulanta too.
Yay, miun sadas postaus! Ekana aattelin, että oisin voinu tehdä jotain erikoista tän tapauksen kunniaksi, kuten vaikka pitää jonkun arvonnan tai jotain, mut laiskottaa. Tänään on myös erään hyvän ystäväni syntymäpäivä. Kävin hänen luonaan antamassa pienen lahjan ja tollasen kirahvikortin. Se tykkää nimittäin kirahveista ja itse asiassa myöskin Apulannasta.
I don't have any "travelling songs", because I don't have any portable music player. So I listen to what they play on, for example, tha radio, if the radio is on. Once me and my boyfriend went to see his parents by his car, and I remember we listened to Apulanta. I guess it was the time I was going to meet his parents for the first time.
Miulla ei oo oikein semmosii "matkustusbiisejä", koska en omista mitään kannettavaa musiikkisoitinta, jolla voisin matkustaessani kuunnella musiikkii. Eli kuuntelen sit sitä, mitä radiosta tulee, jos se on päällä. Kerran mie ja miun poikaystävä mentiin sen autolla sen vanhempien luokse, ja muistan meiän kuunnelleen Apulantaa. Se saatto olla just se kerta, kun olin menossa tapaamaan niitä sen vanhempia ekaa kertaa.
Yay, it's my 100th post! First I thought I could do something special because of that, like having a giveaway or something, but I'm feeling lazy. Today is also the birthday of a dear friend of mine. I visited him and gave him a little present with this kind of card. He likes giraffes, and actually he likes Apulanta too.
Yay, miun sadas postaus! Ekana aattelin, että oisin voinu tehdä jotain erikoista tän tapauksen kunniaksi, kuten vaikka pitää jonkun arvonnan tai jotain, mut laiskottaa. Tänään on myös erään hyvän ystäväni syntymäpäivä. Kävin hänen luonaan antamassa pienen lahjan ja tollasen kirahvikortin. Se tykkää nimittäin kirahveista ja itse asiassa myöskin Apulannasta.
Darth Vader ja poika / Darth Vader and son
Eilen olin ettimässä synttärilahjaa eräälle ystävälleni, ja löysinpä lahjan myös itselleni...
Yesterday I was looking for a birthday gift for a friend of mine, and I found a gift for myself too...
Ostin myös jotain pientä naposteltavaa sarjiksen seuraksi:
I bought also some snacks to eat while reading the comic book:
(Löysin myös lahjan ystävälleni.
I found also a gift for my friend.)
Yesterday I was looking for a birthday gift for a friend of mine, and I found a gift for myself too...
Darth Vader and son |
"Pick up your toys, Luke. This instant. Luke, I am your father. Do you want a time out?" |
"Umm, he looks just like you, lord Vader." |
Luke: "Please dad, can we go home? I'm tired. Let's go, please!" Vader: "I find your lack of patience disturbing." |
I bought also some snacks to eat while reading the comic book:
![]() |
Kuivattuja mansikoita, jogurttiananasta ja tummasuklaakarpaloita. / Dried strawberries, yoghurt-covered pineapple and dark chocolate -covered cranberries. |
I found also a gift for my friend.)
30 Day Song Challenge – Day 30
Day 30 – A song that makes you want to help the world, help the environment, end poverty, help society...
The Viimeinen Atlantis album by Stam1na came first to my mind, and I can't even think of anything else. I chose Jäteputkiaivot, because it has an important message right in the end: Save the nature – minimize your consumption and die.
PS. Aion tehä vielä muutaman bonuspäivän. En tiiä, lukeeko kukaan näitä postauksia tai kiinnostaako ketään, mut loppujen lopuksi pidän tätä blogii ihan vaan omaksi ilokseni. :)
The Viimeinen Atlantis album by Stam1na came first to my mind, and I can't even think of anything else. I chose Jäteputkiaivot, because it has an important message right in the end: Save the nature – minimize your consumption and die.
♪ ♪ ♪
Stam1nan Viimeinen Atlantis -levy tuli ekana mieleen, enkä kyllä ees saa mieleeni mitään muuta. Valitsin Jäteputkiaivot, koska sen lopussa on tärkee viesti: Säästä luontoa – minimoi kulutus ja kuole.
♪ ♪ ♪
PS. I'm going to do some bonus days too. I don't know if anyone reads these posts or is interested in these, but after all I'm blogging for my own pleasure. :)
PS. Aion tehä vielä muutaman bonuspäivän. En tiiä, lukeeko kukaan näitä postauksia tai kiinnostaako ketään, mut loppujen lopuksi pidän tätä blogii ihan vaan omaksi ilokseni. :)
30 Day Music Challenge – Day 29
Day 29 – A song from your childhood
As a child I was a BSB fan. It was the first real band I've listened to (before it I had listened only to some children's music), and I know I wasn't the only little girl who liked them. This was hot stuff when I was about 7-8 years old. I haven't even seen their music videos before – I watched that video before linking it here. :D
As a child I was a BSB fan. It was the first real band I've listened to (before it I had listened only to some children's music), and I know I wasn't the only little girl who liked them. This was hot stuff when I was about 7-8 years old. I haven't even seen their music videos before – I watched that video before linking it here. :D
Penskana olin kova BSB-fani. Se oli eka oikee bändi, jota aloin kuunnella (ennen sitä olin kuunnellu vaan jotain lastenlauluja), enkä kyllä ollut ainoo pikkutyttö, joka Bäkkäreitä fanitti. Tää oli kuuma juttu kun olin jotain 7-8 -vuotias. En oo ees koskaan aiemmin nähny bändin musiikkivideoita – nyt katoin ton videon ennen kuin linkitin sen tänne. :D
30 Day Song Challenge – Day 28
30 Day Song Challenge – Day 27
Day 27 – A song that you wish you could play
Hmm, I don't really dream of playing some specific songs. Lullaby is one of my all time favourite songs, so I think being able to play it properly could make me happy. :)
(Kokeillaan nyt tätä suomen kieltäkin välillä.)
En oikeestaan haaveile minkään tiettyjen biisien soittamisesta. Lullaby on yks miun kaikkien aikojen suosikkikappaleista, joten luulen, että saattaisin tulla iloiseksi, jos osaisin soittaa sen kunnolla. :)
Hmm, I don't really dream of playing some specific songs. Lullaby is one of my all time favourite songs, so I think being able to play it properly could make me happy. :)
(Kokeillaan nyt tätä suomen kieltäkin välillä.)
En oikeestaan haaveile minkään tiettyjen biisien soittamisesta. Lullaby on yks miun kaikkien aikojen suosikkikappaleista, joten luulen, että saattaisin tulla iloiseksi, jos osaisin soittaa sen kunnolla. :)
30 Day Music Challenge – Day 26
Day 26 – A song you can play on an instrument
Yeah, I may not be the next Mozart. But unfortunately I can't anymore really play anything else than this. As a child, I took flute lessons for a while and I really enjoyed playing the flute, but I don't think I could play it anymore. I can play some very basic things on a bass, but I wouldn't really call that playing. :p
Yeah, I may not be the next Mozart. But unfortunately I can't anymore really play anything else than this. As a child, I took flute lessons for a while and I really enjoyed playing the flute, but I don't think I could play it anymore. I can play some very basic things on a bass, but I wouldn't really call that playing. :p
Hoi suomalaiset lukijani, haluun kysyy teiltä erästä asiaa: häiritseekö teitä, että melkeinpä kaikki viime aikojen postaukseni ovat olleet englanniksi? Pienemmät ja yksinkertaisemmat tekstipätkät on mielestäni helpompaa kirjoittaa vain englanniksi, ja pohdiskelevammat tekstit kirjoitan ensiksi suomeksi ja sitten liitän käännöksen mukaan, mutta pitäisikö teidän mielestänne lyhyempien englanninkielisten tekstien yhteydessä olla myös suomenkielinen käännös?
Tulin ajatelleeksi sitä, että kaikki eivät välttämättä englantia kovin hyvin hallitse, eikä omanikaan kyllä varmasti ole virheetöntä. Yliopistossa sivuaineenani on englannin kieli ja kääntäminen, joten blogin pitäminen/kääntäminen englanniksi on hyödyllistä siltäkin kannalta, mutta toisaalta pääaineeni on suomen kieli, joten en halua toki unohtaa sitäkään. Mutta toivoisin, että kertoisitte mielipiteitänne tämän asian suhteen. :)
Tulin ajatelleeksi sitä, että kaikki eivät välttämättä englantia kovin hyvin hallitse, eikä omanikaan kyllä varmasti ole virheetöntä. Yliopistossa sivuaineenani on englannin kieli ja kääntäminen, joten blogin pitäminen/kääntäminen englanniksi on hyödyllistä siltäkin kannalta, mutta toisaalta pääaineeni on suomen kieli, joten en halua toki unohtaa sitäkään. Mutta toivoisin, että kertoisitte mielipiteitänne tämän asian suhteen. :)
30 Day Song Challenge – Day 25
Day 25 – A song that makes you laugh
This was the "funniest" video that I found with this song. (So Harry Potter doesn't really ahve anything to do with the Banana Phone.) Well, what can I say about this song. I remembered its existence earlier today and felt nostalgic. (It doesn't really make me laugh, but usually it makes me smile.)
This was the "funniest" video that I found with this song. (So Harry Potter doesn't really ahve anything to do with the Banana Phone.) Well, what can I say about this song. I remembered its existence earlier today and felt nostalgic. (It doesn't really make me laugh, but usually it makes me smile.)
30 Day Song Challenge – Day 24
Day 24 – A song that you want to play at your funeral
I could continue with my pagan line and tell that I don't want any funeral either, but the funeral isn't anymore for me but the people who are left possibly missing me, and it really doesn't matter anymore after my death what they will do. I hope that most (if not all) of my organs and tissues etc. will be used for medical purposes, and I want the rest to be crematored.
I really can't imagine what kind of funeral people would organize. I hope there would be no religious stuff, but if they feel like needing it, it's their business and that's fine, it doesn't have anything to do with me anymore.
That song might fit, but seriously, I don't care, it's all the same to me.
I could continue with my pagan line and tell that I don't want any funeral either, but the funeral isn't anymore for me but the people who are left possibly missing me, and it really doesn't matter anymore after my death what they will do. I hope that most (if not all) of my organs and tissues etc. will be used for medical purposes, and I want the rest to be crematored.
I really can't imagine what kind of funeral people would organize. I hope there would be no religious stuff, but if they feel like needing it, it's their business and that's fine, it doesn't have anything to do with me anymore.
That song might fit, but seriously, I don't care, it's all the same to me.
Some new cosmetics
I ordered some cosmetic products from Thebos web shop, and I received them on Friday.
That grapeseed oil was the main reason why I ordered stuff from the shop in the first place. I've been trying to grow my hair, and I'm getting a bit desperate, and I heard that grapeseed oil stimulates the growth of hair. It also can be used as a massage or body oil, so I thought it wouldn't be totally useless even if it didn't work on hair.
That's 5 Colours Eyeshadow (colour 05) by Saffron. I haven't tried the eyeshadows yet, but they look very nice. And the colour on the right isn't white but silver.
That's COLORsensational Lipstick by Maybelline, and the shade is Amethyst Ablaze. Unfortunately the colour doesn't look that violet on lips, but it's a beautiful colour anyway.
I know I promised to do a Christmas present post also, but I'm not very inspired to do that right now. :p I also have an exam tomorrow, so I should be studying for it. Well I didn't get that special gifts anyway: I got a smoothie blender, mugs, and some other stuff, I can't even remember everything at this moment, and I guess I could show some of my favourites (like my fabulous Empire Strikes Back mug) among some random posts.
That grapeseed oil was the main reason why I ordered stuff from the shop in the first place. I've been trying to grow my hair, and I'm getting a bit desperate, and I heard that grapeseed oil stimulates the growth of hair. It also can be used as a massage or body oil, so I thought it wouldn't be totally useless even if it didn't work on hair.
That's 5 Colours Eyeshadow (colour 05) by Saffron. I haven't tried the eyeshadows yet, but they look very nice. And the colour on the right isn't white but silver.
That's COLORsensational Lipstick by Maybelline, and the shade is Amethyst Ablaze. Unfortunately the colour doesn't look that violet on lips, but it's a beautiful colour anyway.
I know I promised to do a Christmas present post also, but I'm not very inspired to do that right now. :p I also have an exam tomorrow, so I should be studying for it. Well I didn't get that special gifts anyway: I got a smoothie blender, mugs, and some other stuff, I can't even remember everything at this moment, and I guess I could show some of my favourites (like my fabulous Empire Strikes Back mug) among some random posts.
30 Day Song Challenge – Day 23
Day 23 – A song that you want to play at your wedding
Probably I won't ever get married, because I don't really support the whole marriage institution. I have signed a "prohibition of marriage" and promised not to get married before the gender-neutral marriage law, but I don't think I'll get married even after that law. But if I did, this could be the wedding march:
But seriously, if I'd get married, it would happen in a registrary office and there would be no other people than me, my partner and the office person. It would be very simple and quick and that's it. (So probably no music either.)
Probably I won't ever get married, because I don't really support the whole marriage institution. I have signed a "prohibition of marriage" and promised not to get married before the gender-neutral marriage law, but I don't think I'll get married even after that law. But if I did, this could be the wedding march:
But seriously, if I'd get married, it would happen in a registrary office and there would be no other people than me, my partner and the office person. It would be very simple and quick and that's it. (So probably no music either.)
30 Day Music Challenge – Day 22
Day 22 – A song that you listen to when you're sad
I know it's a pretty melodramatic choise, and I don't usually really want to die, but I've noticed this song works on sadness. When sad, I listen to this a few times, and somehow I don't feel that sad anymore.
I like this song in a sense, but I can listen to it only in a state of sadness/depression.
I like this song in a sense, but I can listen to it only in a state of sadness/depression.
30 Day Music Challenge – Day 21
Day 21 – A song that you listen to when you're happy
This was the first song that came on my mind, but I don't listen to this every time I'm happy, of course. :p But it's a nice song and fits the happy feeling.
This was the first song that came on my mind, but I don't listen to this every time I'm happy, of course. :p But it's a nice song and fits the happy feeling.
30 Day Song Challenge – Day 20
Day 20 – A song that you listen to when you're angry
In principle, I don't really get angry – or at least I have some serious problems with showing my anger. Usually it is manifested in some sadness-like state. I know it's not healthy to hide my anger, so I chose this song, because it tells you to scream and spit it out. I love this song, and it makes me feel so energetic.
In principle, I don't really get angry – or at least I have some serious problems with showing my anger. Usually it is manifested in some sadness-like state. I know it's not healthy to hide my anger, so I chose this song, because it tells you to scream and spit it out. I love this song, and it makes me feel so energetic.
I want to hear you scream
Spit it out
Spit it out
Spit it out
Why don't you spit it out?
Why don't you spit it out?
Why don't you spit it out?
Don't hold it in
Spit it out
Why don't you spit it out?
Don't hold it in
Spit it out
"Don't call the world dirty because you forgot to clean your glasses"
Actually my glasses didn't need cleaning but renewal. Last week I ordered a pair from Specsavers, and I got them yesterday already! Now I've been practising wearing them, because they are pretty different than my former glasses and I wear contact lenses more often. But here's some pictures...
So they are Red Or Dead's designer glasses, and I'm pretty satisfied with them, though I think I look much better without any glasses. I got my first glasses a bit over ten years ago, but still I'm not used to wearing glasses. :/ It's so much more confortable and anyway pleasant to wear contact lenses, but they of course will cost more in the long run.
I don't look so happy with my glasses. :D And my eyes look somehow weird here. And the colour is weird too. I had a kind of vampire-inspired day, I had red eye-liner...
... and a stake necklace with the text DRACVL (Dracul)...
... and a vampiric T-shirt that says "kiss me".
That's all this time. I'll probably do the Christmas present post on weekend when I have more time and sunlight. :) Bye!
So they are Red Or Dead's designer glasses, and I'm pretty satisfied with them, though I think I look much better without any glasses. I got my first glasses a bit over ten years ago, but still I'm not used to wearing glasses. :/ It's so much more confortable and anyway pleasant to wear contact lenses, but they of course will cost more in the long run.
I don't look so happy with my glasses. :D And my eyes look somehow weird here. And the colour is weird too. I had a kind of vampire-inspired day, I had red eye-liner...
... and a stake necklace with the text DRACVL (Dracul)...
... and a vampiric T-shirt that says "kiss me".
That's all this time. I'll probably do the Christmas present post on weekend when I have more time and sunlight. :) Bye!
30 Day Music Challenge – Day 19
Day 19 – A song from your favourite album
If I had to name only one favourite album, it would definitely be The Great Cold Distance by Katatonia. I think that as a whole it is the most united of all the albums I've listened to, and it's one of those few albums that I can listen and enjoy from the beginning to the end, without skipping a track or thinking that some of the tracks is weaker than the others. Usually I don't listen to this album's songs separately, because they form such a great unity together, so I listen to the album as a album, from the beginning to the end.
30 Day Music Challenge – Day 18
Day 18 – A song that you wish you heard on the radio
... because it is ok to be gay. Well actually I wish I saw this on the television, because the music video is so fabulous, but I think it would work on the radio too. :)
... because it is ok to be gay. Well actually I wish I saw this on the television, because the music video is so fabulous, but I think it would work on the radio too. :)
Outfit of the day
Today I had on some of the items from the last post.
skirt: Cubus
shirt: H&M
hairband: Seppälä
bracelet: Glitter
(necklace: maybe KappAhl? I don't remember anymore)
ring: Alchemy Gothic (I really wear it all the time)
on nails: Perfect Nail Polish by IsaDora (54, Frosted Plum)
on lips: Wild Rose Natural Lipstick by Lumene (8, Beige/Nude)
eyes: Raspberry Miracle Mascara by Lumene & Electric Blue Eye Liner by H&M
I didn't have time to make the Christmas gift post today, because my holiday ended and I had to get back to my studies,. Sun goes down so early in this time of the year in here North, and pictures taken by the non-natural light don't come out so well. (These were taken around noon before leaving for the university.)
Have a nice week!
30 Day Music Challenge – Day 17
Day 17 – A song that you hear often on the radio
The problem is that I don't listen to radio and I don't really hear radio playing anywhere. I chose this because I can hear this often on H&M shops, and that's the closest to the radio. :D
The problem is that I don't listen to radio and I don't really hear radio playing anywhere. I chose this because I can hear this often on H&M shops, and that's the closest to the radio. :D
Recently made shoppings
Hi, I thought I could show some things I've bought recently. :)
I wore the dress and the jacket at a New Year's party, but unfortunately there's no pictures of me from that night. :< And I know I'm not the only Finnish goth(ish) girl that has fallen in love with that rivet hairband of Tiia Vanhatapio. ;)
I guess I could also make a post of what I got as Christmas presents, if you'd like to. :)
An imitation leather skirt, Cubus |
A sweater, H&M |
A strapless dress, Lindex. It is pretty long, over knee, and it has pockets. |
A close-up of the dress's fabric that has roses in it. |
A jacket, Seppälä |
There is rose lace around the front edge. |
Some make-up products: Fit Me pressed powder by Maybelline, Raspberry Miracle Mascara by Lumene and Wild Rose Natural Lipstick by Lumene |
Bracelets and a spider-web necklase, Glitter |
A hairband by Tiia Vanhatapio, Seppälä |
I guess I could also make a post of what I got as Christmas presents, if you'd like to. :)
30 Day Song Challenge – Day 16
Day 16 – A song you used to love but now hate
I was never really a fan of The Rasmus, but I used to listen to it a bit when I was on primary school and did not yet know about good music. This particular song came up ten years ago, and I think I was already moving to the dark side, but I still liked this song and had it even as a ring tone in my phone.
I didn't like The Rasmus for very long: soon I couldn't stand it anymore, and I still don't.
I was never really a fan of The Rasmus, but I used to listen to it a bit when I was on primary school and did not yet know about good music. This particular song came up ten years ago, and I think I was already moving to the dark side, but I still liked this song and had it even as a ring tone in my phone.
I didn't like The Rasmus for very long: soon I couldn't stand it anymore, and I still don't.
30 Day Song Challenge – Day 15
Day 15 – A song that describes you
Sorry, the song is in Finnish, and I don't have time right now to translate it, but it's about a girl who feels broken inside. People expect so much of her, and she feels like it's her duty to fulfil all their wishes and expectations.
I don't feel anymore so broken that I used to, but I feel like people expect pretty much of me too. I'm against many traditional values and norms, so sometimes I also feel the society's pressure on me. Anyway, I'm going to live the way I want to live, and I definitely am not going to fulfil people's and society's expectations of me just because the want me to do that.
Sorry, the song is in Finnish, and I don't have time right now to translate it, but it's about a girl who feels broken inside. People expect so much of her, and she feels like it's her duty to fulfil all their wishes and expectations.
I don't feel anymore so broken that I used to, but I feel like people expect pretty much of me too. I'm against many traditional values and norms, so sometimes I also feel the society's pressure on me. Anyway, I'm going to live the way I want to live, and I definitely am not going to fulfil people's and society's expectations of me just because the want me to do that.
30 Day Music Challenge – Day 14
Day 14 – A song that no one would expect you to love
It was a total surprise to me too that I actually like this song. I don't even know what to say. This is something extremely different than I normally listen to, but maybe that's the thing that fascinates me in this, and also the Afrikaans language. And the cute female singer.
It was a total surprise to me too that I actually like this song. I don't even know what to say. This is something extremely different than I normally listen to, but maybe that's the thing that fascinates me in this, and also the Afrikaans language. And the cute female singer.
30 Day Music Challenge – Day 13
Day 13 – A song that is a guilty pleasure
I must admit I wanted the cute twins of Ireland to win the Eurovision Song Contest 2011. Well, my favourites never win in these kinds of contests, and usually my favourite characters even die in books and films, so I'm pretty unlucky.
Anyway, I think this song is the most embarrassing guilty pleasure of mine, so I chose this. :D
I must admit I wanted the cute twins of Ireland to win the Eurovision Song Contest 2011. Well, my favourites never win in these kinds of contests, and usually my favourite characters even die in books and films, so I'm pretty unlucky.
Anyway, I think this song is the most embarrassing guilty pleasure of mine, so I chose this. :D
30 Day Song Challenge – Day 12
Day 12 – A song from a band you hate
I just hate this band sooo much. I think there's nothing else to say.
Vuosi 2012
Onnellista uutta vuotta 2013!
Happy New Year 2013!
1. Mitä sellaista teit vuonna 2012, mitä et ollut tehnyt aiemmin?
- Ainakin asuin ihan yksin, innostuin leipomisesta ja elelin jonkin aikaa kulmakarvattomana.
2. Piditkö uudenvuodenlupaukset, ja aiotko tehdä uusia ensi vuodelle?
- No, lupasin ottaa tatuoinnin tänä vuonna, mikä ei toteutunu, ja lupasin myös päästä alle viidenkymmenen kilon, mikä sentään toteutui.
3. Synnyttikö kukaan läheisesi vuonna 2012?
- Ei kukaan kovin läheinen.
4. Kuoliko kukaan läheisesi?
- Noup.
5. Missä maissa kävit?
- Ihan Suomen sisällä vain matkustelin.
6. Mitä sellaista haluaisit vuonna 2013, mitä et saanut/kokenut 2012?
- No varmaan sen tatuoinnin. Himottais myös saada lisää lävistyksiä, vuoden 2012 aikana en ottanu yhtään. :<
7. Mitkä päivämäärät vuodelta 2012 jäävät mieleen ja miksi?
- Ainakin miun ja poikaystäväni eka vuosipäivä. :)
8. Mikä on vuoden suurin saavutuksesi?
- Varmaankin se, että sain englannin sivuaineoikeuden.
9. Entä suurin epäonnistuminen?
- Jaa-a, eipä tuu nyt mitään kovin kummoista mieleen.
10. Kärsitkö sairauksista/loukkaantumisista?
- En tavallista flunssaa pahemmista.
11. Mikä oli vuoden paras ostoksesi?
- Hmm, itselle ostetuista Morticiasta kesällä mukaan tarttunut liituraitainen ja D-renkailla varustettu minihame, Animeconista ostettu The Candy Spooky Theaterin cd-levy tai Goottikirppikseltä löydetyt Demonian kengät. Hieno ostos oli myös nahkarannekoru, jonka annoin joululahjaksi rakkaalleni.
12. Kenen käytös/toiminta ansaitsee kehuja?
- Enpä osaa nimetä ketään erityisen hienosti toiminutta.
13. Kenen käyttäytyminen teki sinut masentuneeksi/ikäväksi?
- No jaa, on useampikin ihminen, joiden käyttäytyminen toisinaan harmittaa.
14. Mihin suurin osa rahoistasi meni?
- Vuokraan.
15. Mistä olit tosi innoissasi?
- Yksiöön muuttamisesta, Stam1nan keikasta ja englannin opiskelun aloittamisesta.
16. Mikä laulu tulee muistuttamaan vuodesta 2012?
- Varmaankin Gangnam Style. :p
17. Verrattuna tähän aikaan vuosi sitten, oletko nyt
a) onnellisempi vai surullisempi? - Luulisin, että oon aika lailla yhtä onnellinen kuin vuosi sitten.
b) lihavampi vai laihempi? - Vähä laihempi, jee.
c) rikkaampi vai köyhempi? - Köyhempi, koska muutin keväällä ja tän kämpän vuokra on korkeempi kuin edellisen asumukseni.
18. Mitä toivot tehneesi enemmän vuonna 2012?
- Ehkä käsitöitä. Opiskelu vie aikaa ja voimia tehdä mitään tommosta kivaa.
19. Entä vähemmän?
- No, ehkä pahastuin vähä liian usein turhanpäiväisistä asioista.
20. Miten vietät/vietit joulun?
- Ennen pyhiä vietin sitä poikaystävän kanssa tekemällä yhdessä ruokaa ja katsomalla leffaa jne., sit pyhät olin vanhempieni luona.
21. Rakastuitko vuonna 2012?
- En, mutta pysyin edelleen rakastuneena. :)
22. Mikä oli lempi-tv-ohjelmasi?
- Taisin katsella L-koodia ja True Bloodia.
23. Vihaatko nyt ketään, jota et vihannut vuosi sitten?
- En.
24. Paras lukemasi kirja vuonna 2012?
- Hah, enpä kyllä hirveesti kerinny lueskelemaan muita kuin opintoihin liittyvää kirjallisuutta. Tiia Aarnipuun Trans oli kyllä hyvä.
25. Vuoden paras levy?
- Stam1nan Nocebo tai Cradle of Filthin Manticore and Other Horrors. Ton vuoden aikana tuli kyllä paljon muitakin hienoja levyjä, kuten vaikka Santa Hates Youn It's Alive!, Emilie Autumnin Fight Like a Girl, The Birthday Massacren Hide and Seek ja Katatonian Dead End Kings.
26. Suosikkielokuvasi vuonna 2012?
- Ööh, en käyny hirveesti kattomassa uusia elokuvia, Imaginaerum jäi myös valitettavasti välistä. Dark Shadows oli ihan hauska.
27. Mitä teit synttäripäivänäsi, ja paljonko täytit?
- Miehän täytin 21, enkä kyllä itse asiassa muista, mitä tein sillon. o.o Luulisin, että oli hyvää ruokaa ja viiniä.
28. Mikä yksi asia olisi tehnyt vuodesta 2012 paremman?
- Jos täällä ei ois tullu putkeen reikää eikä asuntooni ois siis tarvinnu remontoida kahteen kertaan.
29. Kuinka kuvailisit vuoden 2012 omaa "muotiasi"?
- Varmaan vähä kasuaalimpi kuin aiempina vuosina.
30. Mikä piti sinut järjissäsi?
- Musiikki yleensä on aika merkittävä voimavara.
31. Kenestä julkisuuden henkilöstä pidit eniten?
- Jaa-a. Hyrdestä ehkä?
32. Mikä poliittinen tapahtuma herätti eniten tunteita?
- Presidentinvaalit.
33. Ketä kaipasit?
- Omaa kultaa ainakin kesällä, kun jouduin olemaan eri kaupungissa kuin hän.
34. Kerro arvokas elämänohje, jonka opit vuonna 2012?
- Kaikkee ei tarvii ottaa niin vakavasti.
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